Diversity Committee
"We must not only learn to tolerate our differences. We must welcome them as the richness and diversity, which can lead to true intelligence." – Albert Einstein
ASHRAE is committed to providing a welcoming environment. Our culture is one of inclusiveness, acknowledging the inherent value and dignity of each individual. The Diversity Committee focuses on ‘cognitive diversity’ in the HVAC&R industry that focuses on different point of views that can affect the way information flows and is gathered. If you want to be part of this exciting committee (team dynamic) or merely want to share ideas, please feel free to contact us at
“…Think how comforting it is to be surrounded by people who think in the same way, who mirror our perspectives, who confirm our prejudices. It makes us feel smarter. It validates our world view.. these dangers are as ancient as mankind itself.” – Rebel Ideas, Matthew Syed
Mischa Tessendorf, Diversity Chair South Africa, is a mechanical engineer (B.Tech. Mech. Eng.), working in the HVAC&R industry, focusing on energy-efficient solutions for commercial and industrial applications. She also has a passion for sustainability. She holds a Master of Business Administration from Gordon Institute of Business Science, University of Pretoria, and did her dissertation on Assessing Sustainability Strategy Implications in an organization. With over eight years in the engineering manufacturing industry, she loves any opportunity to be challenged, especially where lots of innovation is required, and always thinks beyond the conventional.